HJTF Secure Online Donation Form

Make your tax-deductible donation to HJTF today!

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation (HJTF) is the research, education and legal arm of the Jarvis organization. HJTF advances the interests of taxpayers in the courtroom. Given the high cost of litigation, an ordinary taxpayer is rarely in a position to challenge the validity of an illegal tax levy. In appropriate cases, HJTF provides legal representation without cost to other taxpayer advocacy organizations, homeowners and individual taxpayers where the precedence established confers a broad public benefit to other citizens.
NOTE: Contributions or gifts to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation are deductible from your federal income tax and may also be deductible from your state income tax.

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation Tax ID: 52-1155794

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*Minimum $10 donation

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