No New Taxes Committee: Secure Online Donation Form

No New Taxes Committee, a Project of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Your donation will help us continue to fight for taxpayers at the ballot box. Even a small donation would mean thousand of dollars in tax savings for you in return!

Choose Donation Amount:

*Minimum $10 donation

Donor Information: *required fields

Unfortunately, we cannot accept donations from PO boxes. Please provide a street address.
If self-employed, please put name of business.
If retired please put "none."

My Billing Information: *required fields

Don't use dashes or spaces between numbers.

If yes, please fill in the following:

The corporation is the true donor and will be disclosed on campaign statements.

I confirm that the following statements are true and accurate: *required fields

Your card will be charged the following:

$0 Donation

Authorizing might take 30 seconds.
Please press "Submit" ONLY once.

Paid for by No New Taxes Committee, A Project of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, ID # 92117